October 4 - 7 Thanksgiving

This week we worked on a writing project about being thankful. We made an outline and then worked on an introduction, a paragraph about each one of our main ideas then we finished it up with a short ending paragraph. The students did very well. Here are three samples of the writing.

I'm Very Thankful by # 16

Bark! Bark! I'm so thankful for my dog Star. Also a good home with good family members. I'm thankful for food. I'm also happy that I have good friends.

I'm so thankful for food. I love yummy, juicy and hot food. My favourite food is Maple Leaf Prime Chicken and ice cream. I'm very thankful for food because I would starve without food.

The second thing that I'm thankful for is a good home. I have a good home with awesome family members that are very NICE! My mom is super nice, so is my dad and my sister.

I'm also very thankful for my very cute dog Star! She keeps me company when I'm alone. My dog Star can be very grouchy sometimes but I still love her.

Last but not least I'm thankful for my friends. I'm glad I have friends because we play and we care about each other. Friends ask if you're okay when you're hurt. I love having amazing and spectacular friends.

I'm very thankful for all these things. I think these are the MOST important things in my LIFE!

What I'm Thankful For by #24

What are you thankful for? Well I'm thankful for my two super silly dogs. Also my family is really fun. I'm also thankful for my friends, they're awesome. The last that I'm thankful for is school!!

The thing I'm really thankful for is my family. I love to play wii with my family. Sometimes in the summer we go out to the lake! My family is really fun!

I'm also thankful for my dogs. Their names are Cody and Bozzle. Every winter my dad makes a snow hill. We made up this game. It's called Capture the Ice. Well I guess I should say I made it up. My dogs are exciting and fun.

I'm thankful for my friends. They are so fun and exciting. Well at least I think. Sometimes at recess we play on the monkeybars! Me and my friends have lots of fun! Do you and your friends have fun?

The last thing I'm thankful for is school. I'm really happy to have friendly classmates. Especially awesome teachers. My class is awesome!

Here's a little review of what I'm thankful for: my awesome family, my two dogs, my friendly school and last but not least, friends. That's what I'm thankful for!!!!!!!

Things I Am Thankful For by # 21

Do you know what I'm thankful for? Well I'm thankful for many things but the four important things I am thankful for are: family and love, food and water, my house and our good health!

Family and love are one of the things that are important to me. I love my family! They spend lots of time with me and look after me. I have someone to play with and someone to sometimes make choices for me. I wish I could have my family every day instead of going to school!

Food and water are important to me because you need food and water to survive. It is also important to me because I like to eat. My favourite foods are pizza, cake, nachos and tacos. I also like grilled cheese. MMM, that makes me hungry just thinking about it.

AHHH, so nice and warm, it is very nice to have a house to stay in, a kitchen and my very own bedroom. I feel lucky when I say that because some kids don't even have a bed to sleep in. I want to lay down and sleep in my house right now. I am very thankful for my house.

Good health, I am very thankful for good health because then I don't get sick very often and I don't have to go to the doctor. I have very lucky to have good health too because some kids are not born healthy so I am thankful for that.

There are many people that are in the world that want to give thanks and that's why we have Thanksgiving. But my question to you is: are you one of the people that have to give thanks? Hope you are!


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