Bits of June!
Pay It Forward
Census Assignment
Weekly Blog and Grade 4 Math Test
Giant Buddha!
More Taiwan Updates
More Pictures of Taiwan
Taiwan Pictures
Science Test
Eagle Cam!
Video Info
This and That
Grade Four Math Test
Gym Routines
Light, Light, Light!
Structure Presentations
Building Structures
French Test!
What is a booktalk?
A booktalk is like a movie trailer for books. The purpose of a booktalk is to "sell" the book. You want to give enough of the plot to interest the listeners but you are not giving a summary of the book. You don't want to give away the important parts of the book. You certainly never want to give away the ending. You want to highlight the interesting points. You may want to read certain passages to your listeners. The main purpose of a booktalk is to grab the audience's interest and make them want to read the book. It's always a good idea to end the booktalk with a cliffhanger.
How do booktalks differ from book reviews?
In a book review, the reviewer is judging the book. The book is recommended or not. Criticism is often given in book reviews. A summary of the plot may be included. In a booktalk, you assume that the person giving the booktalk recommends the book.
Taken from
We will have a sign up spot in the classroom for you to pick a time to do your booktalk. Think about this over the next few days.
File Card Bridges
Today we did an inquiry about bridges. We used file cards (the ones people use to write their notes for giving speeches on) to make the bridges. We had to experiment using one and then two file cards. We also had to change the second file card to see if there was any way to make the bridge stronger. Some of us found that we could make our bridge much stronger by folding the second card accordian style and putting it underneath the first card for strength. See the picture. We also experimented with an arch. We saw lot of arches in one of our background lessons on structures. Finally we tried to change the length of our bridge. By the way-we measured the strength of our bridges by how many pennies it would hold up.
Art Gallery Trip
Book Review/S.S. Test

Our class will be doing book reviews on our blogs. A book review is your recommendation for a book-do you like it or not? Is it worth reading or not? You will need to read a book then write a little book review on it. A book review usually gives a bit of an idea of what the book is about as well as a recommendation for reading it. Don't give away the ending though! Be sure to include the full title and author's name. Most importantly make sure you choose a "good fit" book for Grade 3 or 4. So start reading now. I will give you a week to read and a week to get the review done.
New Blog Homework
Making Hamburger Collages
Blogging Homework
Blogging homework for this week-find out something interesting that happened in the news this week and blog about it. How will you find out something interesting about the news? Well you could try reading the paper (hint-just check out the headlines to see if it is interesting to you), ask your parents, watch the news on TV, or check the internet. Remember to put it in your own words-don't just copy don't what you have read or seen.
I will mark the blogs the same as last week- it is out of 10. You are marked on your title, capital letters, spelling, punctuation, at least five sentences and how interesting is it or how easy is it to understand.
This homework is due by Monday, January 17 by 8:00pm.
Blogging Homework
By the way, I seem to be far too busy approving posts and comments to have any time to comment on your posts so everyone make sure they make at least one comment to someone else in the class.
See you Monday!