
Agribition was a blast! Here is a wordle of  students favourite moments of the day.  Favourites that were chosen more than once appear larger in the worlde. Click on the wordle to see it in full size.

Wordle: Agribition


HP students and parents should now be able to make comments on the blog.  Let me know if it does not work.

Mrs. Plettenberg

Haitian Dancers


Group 1 From Farm to Table


Bits of October...


Rock Stars

Yesterday was our last CREATE session with Ted, a local drummer.  He showed us a variety of different drum beats from different genres of music on his drum set.  After learning about different beats, we got to try out a couple.  Also, each of us did a mini drum solo.  Watch the video below to see our awesome beats!


Grade 4 Multiplication Links

Grade 4 students, to help you review your multiplication there are some fun games in the sidebar.  Find the link list, Grade 4 Multiplying, and try a few! WARNING some games may be highly addictive...
Click to view

Drum Circle Again...

This week Ted returned to show us some more rhythms from different cultures.  Ryan, our gym prize winner from last week, took these great pictures!


How Our Engines Run...

We have been learning about our "engines" from Mrs. Ledding. We don't want our engines to be to high (hyper or stressed) or to low (sluggish or tired).  In the gym we tried a variety of different tasks to learn what can bring our engines up or down.


Saskatchewan CIty Posters

This month each student made a poster on a city in Saskatchewan.  On the posters students used attractive images, bright colors , and neat printing.  Here are some pictures of students working on their posters.


What Peace Means to Us

After reading a book about peace, each student chose a word or short phrase that they felt summed up the meaning of peace to them. This is a wordle of our words. The words are sized according to the number of students who chose that word. "No war" and "love" were the most predominate. Click on the wordle to see it enlarged.

Wordle: What Peace Means to Us

Daily Four....

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